Newbrough CofE First School

For more information on childcare contact the Families Information Service on 0800 023 4440

The school offers a range of out of school activities. The school has information on activities available within (the local partnership of schools and) the local community. For further information contact the school.

The school, working closely with other services, has a focus on and clear processes to support:
- preventative strategies
- early identification
- support
- intervention
for children/young people with additional needs and at risk of poor outcomes. This includes thosae with behavioural, emotional, health or other difficulties.

The school provides access to parenting programmes and family learning sessions. For further information contact the school or the Partnership Parent Support Partner, Janet Nicholson on 07895174184. For information about nationally and locally available sources of information, advice and support, contact Families Information Service on Freephone 0800 023 4440

The school offers access to a range of its facilities for use by the wider community. The school has information about facilities available to the community within the locality. The school has information about adult learning programmes within the locality.

For more information please visit the website:

Who to contact

01434 674284

Where to go

Newbrough C of E Aided First School
NE47 5AQ

Local Offer

Local Offer Description

Information about school

Newbrough Church of England First School receives pupils from Newbrough, Fourstones, Warden and surrounding areas.  We accept children in to our Nursery in the term after their third birthday.  From September 2014, we will become a primary school and our upper age range will increase from Year 4 to Year 6.

The school is organised into three classes.  Children in Nursery and Reception our taught in our Early Years Unit (Class 1).  Children in Year 1 and Year 2 are taught together as a Key Stage in Class 2.  Class 3 consists of Year 3 and 4 children.  Including Nursery, in September 2014 we will have 55 children on roll. Of these, eleven children are currently on our SEND register.


Mission Statement / aims.....

Our mission is to embrace the ethos and teachings of the Christian faith. We seek to inspire and encourage in our pupils:

  • Love, care and compassion;
  • A deep sense of hope and justice;
  • An appreciation of beauty and wonder;
  • A desire to contribute to the world through their gifts and talents.

To help achieve this we aim to:

  • create a happy, secure, well ordered and caring Christian community that readily
  • puts into practice the gospel values of love and forgiveness.
  • provide a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum for the benefit of all of our pupils which creates an enthusiasm for learning and motivates our children to do their very best.
  • provide the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will help prepare children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life in a changing world.
  • encourage self-discipline and self-esteem amongst the members of our community and foster respect and consideration for others.
  • develop self confidence and nurture each child’s individual talents to allow everyone to realise their potential.
  • promote a sense of responsibility for the environment and encourage everyone to take an active part in the life of our community.
  • maintain an active home-school partnership.
  • develop effective links with our local churches, schools and the wider community.

This will enable our children to become valuable, considerate, responsible and respected members of society.


What is the purpose of The Local Offer?

The Local Offer has two main purposes:

  • To provide clear, comprehensive and assessable information about the provision available, and
  • To make provision more responsive to local needs and aspirations by directly involving children and young people with SEN, parents/carers and service providers in its development and review.

 How does a child get a place at Newbrough CE First School?

We have an admissions policy which is available on our website or from the school office.

We always welcome parents to come and have a look around and meet the staff. 

Our secretary can advise you about the procedure.

 How will the school support and meet my child’s needs?

 We have small year groups and staff are able to get to know children very well.  Our teachers plan good, well-differentiated activities ensuring good quality teaching provision for all.  We have teaching assistants who are trained to deliver a broad spectrum of interventions, which are closely co-ordinated between our class teachers, TAs and Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO). Intervention plans, appropriate targets and our tracking system all link in to the regular monitoring and review process. We are able to be flexible in timetabling interventions being a small school in order to balance support and promoting independence.  This also means we can put early interventions in place if necessary. We also work closely with parents to ensure the best outcomes for their child.

 What resources are available?

We have well trained TAs and expertise amongst our staff.  The SENCO has completed the National Award for SEN Coordination and is a Specialist Dyslexia teacher.  Our teaching assistants have completed training on Autism,  Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Speech and Language difficulties and Attachment disorders in the last 5 years. One Teaching Assistant has an ELSA qualification and another is trained to deliver Talk Boost interventions.  Staff have also received training to deliver Read Write Inc. as an intervention.  Training is provided to the whole staff in order to meet the needs of individual children at any given time.  We are able to tap into outside agencies and use Top up funding to provide additional support for children, when necessary.  Our children have access to ICT resources to develop a range of skills.  When necessary, special equipment such as writing slopes and coloured overlays are used. 

 What will my child learn at school?

We have a broad creative curriculum which follows the new National Curriculum which is personalised according to the children’s needs.  We place a high importance on social skills and outdoor learning as well as having more specialised adaptations such as visual timetables.  These are used in all classrooms as part of our inclusive ethos.

 How will I know about  my child’s progress

Apart from the regular sharing of Intervention plans and reviews, school will share with the parents any statements / Education Healthcare Plan (EHC plans).  Staff will share Early Years profile data and any formative or summative assessments such as end of key stage assessments.  We have an open door policy and are accessible at the beginning or end of most days or an appointment can be made with staff if a longer meeting is required.  We have twice-yearly consultations and an end of year report, with the option of a consultation in the Summer Term.  Home school diaries can be used to support communication links. 

 What support will there be for my child’s overall well being?

We have a broad and balanced curriculum which includes many opportunities to discuss and develop in children a sense of worth, self confidence and self sufficiency.  In Nursery and Reception we have a key worker system which ensures that children are known really well and parents have a point of contact with someone who knows your child really well.  Our House system and playground buddy team are just two examples of how we encourage children to work together across age groups. However, we also have a wide range of other agencies we can call upon to support us including the school nurse and the Children and Young People’s Service (CYPS).

 What specialist services are available or accessed by the school?

We regularly have a range of specialists in school to broaden the children’s horizons including Music and PE specialists.   There are a whole host of specialist health agencies school is able to call upon to help us support your child including Speech and Language Therapists, CYPS, the school nurse, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, paediatricians and Health Visitors. The Locality Inclusion Support Team (LIST) is based in Hexham and allows us access to a range of specialists such as behaviour support, educational psychologists, communication and Autism teachers.

 How will you help me support my child’s learning?

We aim to help you support your child’s learning in all the ways mentioned above.  In addition we hold workshops for parents about specific curriculum areas in school on a regular basis such as phonics or maths.   We have leaflets and can signpost suitable websites or other resources.  Homework often provides a suitable opportunity for parents to be more involved.  If there are difficulties at home, we can access the parent support partner service. Some children may need dual placement with specialist schools to further their development and help them with any specific needs we are not able to meet.

How accessible is the school?

Two doors have ramps with handrails.

Disabled toilet.

Double doors for ease of access.

Single storey building

Signage is appropriate level and colour differentiated for visually impaired.

 Transport provision

  Most children come on foot or by car with parents. Some children come by taxi. See County Council school transport website for more details.

Who can I contact for further information?

Mrs G Glenwright,


Newbrough CE First School


NE47 5AQ

Telephone – 01434 674284

Email – (School Secretary)

How will my child be included in outside activities and school trips

There is financial support in specific circumstances and no child will be excluded from taking part in an activity on the grounds of finance.  If appropriate the children will receive one-to-one support on outings or parents may be invited to accompany them. All external providers are informed of special educational needs and if appropriate, activities will be adapted. It is our aim to include all children in every activity, whilst giving due regard to health and safety issues.


Transfer procedures





Within school there are well established procedures for the transfer of information between staff.  A good programme is implemented at the end of each academic year, giving children the opportunity to experience their next step in their learning journey.  There is a very effective transfer package in place when children transfer to middle school. Enhanced transitions including liaison with receiving staff and additional visits are arranged as necessary.  This will be developed in future years when Y6s move to the high school.


Links to relevant policies on website


Behaviour and anti bullying



Equality and diversity

Health and safety

Toileting and intimate care policy


How will the local offer be reviewed?

The Local Offer will be formally reviewed and updated on an annual basis each July to ensure that it is relevant for the following school year. Governors, parents, carers and staff will be invited to take part in this process.


Complaints procedures

If you are unhappy about any aspect of your child’s education, please speak to the class teacher in the first instance.  If you do not feel the issue has been resolved, please make an appointment to see the SENCO and /or the Head teacher.  A copy of our Complaints Procedure is available from the School Office.


Contact Name
Mrs G Glenwright (SENCO)
Contact Telephone
01434 674284
Contact Email
Local Offer Age Bands
Primary (4-10 years)
Early Years (0-4 years)
Needs Level
SEN Provision Type

Last updated on: 20/08/2014

Journey Planner

Address: Newbrough  Hexham  Northumberland 

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